The objective of this project is to identify and explore new enabling
technologies and management paradigms that reduce the complexity and cost of
network and service management, and OSS (operation support system)
integration in Telecom networks. The key premise of this research is to push
automation of management functions into the network and service components,
resulting in true “plug-n-play” management.
The main approach of this research is to consider service management, not as
a centralized or highly hierarchical system, but as loosely coupled
distributed applications that autonomously distribute service configuration
data, maintain state, report faults, monitor performance, detect intrusions,
etc. The establishment of such autonomous network and service platform must
be considered in multi-technology, multi-service, and multi-domain context.
New emerging technologies, such as peer-to-peer, grid, and web service will
be investigated as potential technological enablers of our research
Consideration of management as a distributed and automated application
presents immediate challenges in a number of key areas:
1. Resource naming and addressing
2. Resource and service discovery
3. Open service architecture
4. Service definition language and access protocol
5. Service component provision
6. Management Automation via goals, tasks, and policies
The outcome of this research is an experimental open service architecture
for the deployment, configuration, management, and monitoring of network
services. In addition to deriving distributed schemes for resource naming,
addressing, and discovery, composing management goal creation tools, service
definition languages, and access interfaces, this research will result in a
comprehensive and novel management platform that is open, customizable,
dynamic, resilient, and autonomous. |