13th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet). Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 27, 2024.
14th IFIP/IEEE Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). Sousse, Tunisia, Oct. 17, 2022.
40th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC). May 05, 2022.
22nd ACM/IFIP Middelware Conference(Online). December 10, 2021.
Facebook Network Infrastructure Summit (Online). December 7, 2021.
12th IEEE International Conference on Network of the Future, Coimbra, Portugal. October 6, 2021.
International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies
(3ICT), Bahrain, December 20-21, 2020.
33rd IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), London, Ontario, Canada,
August 30 - September 2, 2020.
16th IEEE Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Limassol, Cyprus, June 15-19,
10th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communications Conference (IEMCON),
Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 17-19, 2019.
3rd IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (IoT), Isfahan, Iran, April
17-18, 2019.
16th IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management Symposium (IM), Washington DC, USA, April 11, 2019.
3rd International Conference on Cloudification of the Internet of Things (CIoT), Paris, France, July 2-4,
6th IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), Batumi,
Georgia, 4-7 June 2018
Network Innovators Community Event (GENI NICE) - NSF sponsored workshop in conjunction with IEEE
International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 10, 2017.
7th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF), Búzios, Brazil, Nov 17, 2016.
9th IFIP Latin America Networking Conference (LANC), Valparaíso, Chile, Oct 13, 2016.
4th ACCESS Industrial Workshop: Cloud Computing and Services, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2, 2016.
12th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Paris, France, March
15-17, 2016.
19th International Conference on Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), Paris, France,
March 1-3, 2016.
7th Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Khartoum, Sudan, February 20-23, 2016.
International Conference on Smart Sustainable City Technologies (S2CT), Toronto, Canada, October 13-14,
International School of Cloud Computing (ISCC), Tunis, Tunisia, April 3-6, 2015.
1st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), Dhaka, Bengladesh,
January 5-7, 2015.
10th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). Rio De Janeiro, Brazil,
November 17-21, 2014.
6th IEEE Global Information Infrastructure Symposium (GIIS). Montreal, Canada, September 14-18, 2014.
7th IEEE International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST). Tehran, Iran, September 9-11, 2014.
14th IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Network Operations and Management (NOMS), Krakow, Poland, 8th
May 2014.
2nd Computer Engineering Frontiers Symposium and Exhibition on Mobile and Cloud Computing (CEFS), Dammam,
Saudi Arabia, 10th March 2014.
International Cloud Computing School (ICCS), IEEE, Hammamet (Tunisia), December 15-19, 2013.
25th IEEE International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 25), Shanghai, China, September 10-12, 2013.
4th IEEE International Conference on “Computer as a Tool” (EUROCON). Zagreb, Croatia, July 1-4, 2013.
4th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA). Pattaya, Thailand,
June 24 - 26, 2013.
31st Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC). Brasilia, Brazil, May 6 -
10, 2013.
20th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Casablanca, Morocco, May 6-18, 2013.
4th IEEE Global Information Infrastructure Symposium (GIIS). Choroni, Venezuela, December 17-19, 2012.
8th IEEE Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Limassol (Cyprus), August
27-31, 2012.
4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT). Paris (France), July 25-27,
29th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC). Campo Grande, MS, Brazil,
May 30 - June 3, 2011.
9th Congress on Network and Service Management (GRES). Montreal (Canada), 13-15 October 2010.
3rd ICST/ACM Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communications (AUTONOMICS). Limasol (Cyprus),
September 9-11, 2009.
1st IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days Conference. Dubai (United Arab Emirates). November 24-27, 2008.
33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 14-17 October 2008.
13th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). Marrakech, Morocco. July 6 - 9, 2008.
6th IEEE/ACM Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR). Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada. May 5 - 8, 2008
3rd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Network Management (MANWEEK). San Jose, CA, (USA). 2 November
4th International Workshop on "Next Generation Networking Middleware" (NGNM). Samos (Greece). 7 June
4th IEEE European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN'2007). Toulouse (France), 14-16
February 2007.
6th Asia Pacific Networks Operation and Management Symposium (APNOMS'02), Jeju (Korea), 25 - 27 September
Invited Conference Talks and Seminars
2025. "Network Virtualization: Past, Present and Future". International Distinguished Lecture Series.
School of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, Texas A&M International University, January 30, 2025.
2024. "Network Virtualization: past, present and moving forward". ITU Webinar Series hosted by the ITU
Journal, June 18, 2024.
2024. "AI-Driven Slice Orchestration in 5G and Beyond Networks". IEEE Workshop on Network Automation.
Princeton, New Jersey, USA. March 25, 2024.
2023. "Autonomous Management in 5G and Beyond Network”. IEEE Future Networks World Forum — Topical and
Verticals | Full Stack Automation in 5G and Beyond (5GB) Networks. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. November 13,
2023. "Unity is strength and so is collaborative security”. Inaugural Distinguished Speaker Series.
Concordia Cybersecurity Research Center, Concordia University, Montreal, September 28, 2023.
2022. "Cloud Data Centers at the Core (and the Edge) of Network Automation”. Huawei Data Center Networking
Workshop (DCN). Toronto, November 29-30, 2022.
2022. "Implications of Open RAN Adoption on AI-driven Management of 5G and Beyond Networks". Industry
Talk. IEEE Global Communications Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 5, 2022.
2022. "Unity is strength and so is collaborative security”. Joint Cybersecurity and Resilience Initiative
and IPSI Public Lecture Series. University of Toronto (Online Event), March 29, 2022.
2021. "Data Center Networks: An Opportunity for Network Automation". Huawei Data Center Networking
Workshop (DCN). Online Event, 30 November 2021.
2021. "Elastic Optical Network Slicing Technologies”. Industry Forum on All optical service networks for
F5G in conjunction with the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP). Shanghai, China (Online
event), 24 October 2021.
2021. "Traffic Classification in the New Reality of an Encrypted Internet". Feature Talk. IEEE Summit on
Communications Futures, Online Event, 16 January, 2021.
2020. "Network Management and AI". Feature Talk. IEEE Summit on Communications Futures, Honolulu, Hawaii,
USA, 18 January, 2020.
2019. "Self-driving networks: Challenges and Opportunities". Departmental Seminar. Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, October 17, 2019.
2019. "Self-driving networks". Future Network Frontiers Research Workshop. Montreal, Canada. July 18,
2019. "The "Cloud" to "Things" Continuum". Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI),
Universitéde Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, June 13, 2019.
2019. "Self-driving networks". Departmental Seminar. Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea), May 16, 2019.
2018. Securing smart connected infrastructures with the Blockchain. Smart Connected Infrastructure and
Digital Services Workshop (SIS), Western University, London, ON, Canada, November 14-15, 2018.
2018. "The "Cloud" to "Things" Continuum". Laboratoire d'informatique Gaspard Monge (LIGM), Université
Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM), Paris, France, July 3, 2018.
2018. "Convergence of IT & Telecommunications: Towards Programmable, Intelligent and Resilient
Networks". INRIA International Chair Inaugural Talk. Centre Inria Nancy Grand - Est, Nancy, France, May 29,
2017. “Introduction to Recent Research”. Masdin Seminar, INRIA. Nancy, France. July 27, 2017.
2017. “Reliable Network Slicing: From Transport Networks to 5G”. INRIA Nancy Grand Est. Nancy, France.
July 13, 2017.
2016. “Orchestration and Management of Service Function Chains in Network Function Virtualization (NFV)”.
IETF Network Management Research Group (NMRG) Meeting held during NOMS 2016. Istanbul, Turkey, April 27,
2015. “VNFs and VNF Chains Orchestration". GTA, University Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Rio De
Janeiro, Brazil. December 16, 2015.
2015. “On Orchestrating Virtual Network Functions". International DMTF Academic Alliance Workshop on
Datacenter and Cloud Management (DCM). Co-located with the IEEE/IFIP/ACM International Conference on Network
and Service Management. Barcelona, Spain. November 9, 2015.
2015. "A Software-Defined Edge Cloud for Future Application Platforms". Department of Computer Science,
University Federal do Minas Gerais (UFMG). Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. May 29, 2015.
2015. "Smart Edge: A Software-Defined Infrastructure for Future Application Platforms". GTA, University
Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. May 27, 2015.
2015. “Overview of Cloud Computing Research". Ecole Superieure des Telecommunications (SUPCOM). Tunis,
Tunisia, April 7, 2015.
2015. "What's Next in Online Social Networking". 18th IEEE International Conference on Innovations in
Services, Networks and Clouds (ICIN). Paris, France, February 17-19, 2015.
2015. "Smart Edge: A Software-Defined Infrastructure for Future Application Platforms". Orange Labs
Seminar. Issy Les Moulineaux, France. February 18, 2015.
2014. "Distributed OpenFlow Testbed: A Rodmap". University Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, Nov.
18, 2014.
2014. "On Intrusion Detection Networks". University Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro (Brazil),
Nov. 11, 2014.
2014. "Trends in Cloud Resource Management". University Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, Nov. 10,
2014. "Cloud Management: Knowing is Half The Battle". IEEE Montreal Section and Concordia University
Seminar Series, Montreal (Canada), September 17, 2014.
2014. "Efficient Workload Management in Heterogeneous Cloud Data Centers". Iran's University of Sciences
and Technology (IUST), Tehran (Iran), September 8, 2014.
2014. "McNaughton Lecture". IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE),
Toronto (Canada), May 6, 2014.
2014. "Cloud Management: Knowing is Half The Battle". center for Communication, Media and Information
technologies, Department of Electronic Systems. Aalborg University Copenhagen (Denmark). April 28, 2014.
2014. “Research Directions in Cloud Computing”. KFPUM Computer Engineering Department, Dammam (Saudi
Arabia), March 11, 2014.
2013. “Dynamic Capacity Provisioning in Production Clouds”. The 2013 Cheriton Research Symposium,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, September 13, 2013.
2013. "Resource Management in Production Clouds: Challenges and Opportunities". Distinguished Seminar
Series. Division of IT Convergence Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH),
Pohang, Korea, June 17, 2013.
2013. "pWeb Architecture and Challenges". Workshop on Information Centric Networking and Peer-to-peer Web
hosting. Orange Labs., Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France, June 3, 2013.
2013. "Heterogeneity-Aware Cloud Resource Management". Departmental Seminar. Interdisciplinary Center for
Security, reliability and Trust. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, May 31, 2013.
2013. "On Intrusion Detection Networks". Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Seminars on Security,
Singapore, March 5, 2013.
2011. "On Cloud Computational Models and the Heterogeneity Challenge". Workshop on the Future of
Middleware (FOME'11) co-located with the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th Middleware Conference (Middelware 2011),
Lisboa (Portugal), December 13, 2011.
2011. "Research Trends in Cloud Computing". Electronics and Telecommunications Research institute (ETRI)
-- Internet Research Division -- Seminar Series, Daejong (Korea), Dec. 5, 2011.
2011. "pWeb: Serverless Web Hosting". Bell Canada. Toronto, April 8, 2011.
2010. "Network Virtualization: State of the Art and Research Challenges". Workshop on Networking. Hanoi
National University, Hanoi (Vietnam), April 9, 2010.
2010. "Network Virtualization: Identity Management and Network Embedding". HUT Workshop on Networking.
Hanoi University of Technology (HUT), Hanoi (Vietnam), April 8, 2010.2009.
2009. "Network Virtualization". Second Workshop on Information Technology Convergence Engineering (ITCE).
POSTECH, Pohang (Korea), April 17, 2009.
2009. "On The Implementability & Manageability of Autonomic Networks". First International Symposium on
Information Technology Convergence Engineering (ITCE). POSCO International Center, Pohang (Korea), September
16-17, 2009.
2008. Distributed Search Revisited: Resolving the Conflict of Efficiency and Flexibility. University of
Toronto Network Seminar Series (TON), Toronto (Canada), October 2008.
2008. Distributed Pattern Matching: Concept and Applications. University of Villetaneuse (Paris XIII),
Paris (France), June 2008.
2006. Peer-to-Peer Networks; State of the Art and Research Directions. Ecole Nationale Superieure des
Telecommunications (ENST), Paris (France), January 2006.
2005. Towards Autonomic Networking. ECE Seminar, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), July 2005.
2004. WUCLP: Waterloo User-Controlled Lightpaths System. Korea Telecom (KT), Daejon (Korea), June 15,
2004. Internet Next Generation: QoS Architectures for Multimedia Applications. Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang (Korea), March 17, 2004.
2004. Customer-Centric Network Analysis and Planning. Korea Telecom (KT), Seoul (Korea), Feb. 13, 2004.
2004. Net-Oracle: A Tool for Customer-Centric Network Analysis and Planning. Distributed Processing and
Network Management Research Lab., POSTECH, Pohang (Korea), Feb. 5, 2004.
2004. CANARIE's Advanced Networks Workshop.. "Multi-Domain Service Provisioning for Advanced
2003. 2nd Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-hoc-Net'03). "Topology and Mobility Considerations in Mobile Ad
hoc Networks".
2003. Alcatel Canada, "Network Management Research at University of Waterloo", Ottawa (Canada), 2003.
2003. Alcatel France, "Trends in Network Management", Paris (France), 2003.
2002. Self-Configuring Networks, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Montreal (Canada),
September 20, 2002.
2002. Towards Self-Managed Networks, "Horizon" Speaker Series, NORTEL Networks, Ottawa (Canada), June 6,
2002. Towards Self-Managed Networks, Board of Governors Reception, University of Waterloo, Waterloo
(Canada), June 4, 2002.
2002. Towards Self-Managed Networks, Nortel Networks Knowledge Interaction Workshop, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo (Canada), April 25, 2002
2002. Scalable Policy-based Management, Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, Stockholm (Sweden), April
11, 2002
2002. Management of Networks and Distributed Systems Research, IFIP Technical Committee on Communication
Systems Meeting, Saariselka (Finland), April 6-7, 2002
2002. Lecturer, "Computer Networks: How it actually works?", Summer Institute for Computer Studies
Educators, August 2002
2002. 16th Congress on New Architectures for Communications (DNAC'02). "On Routing in Ad hoc Networks".
2002. 1st Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-hoc-Net'02). "Policy-Based Routing in Ad hoc Networks".
2002. International Workshop on Certification and Security in E-Services (CSES'02), held as part of the
IFIP World Computer Congress. "The Network Management Viewpoint on Certification and Security".
2002. IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC'02) TC6 Stream on Communication Systems. "Network Management: The
State of the Art".
2002. 7th Conference on Computer Science (MCSEAI'02). "Network Architectures for the Internet".
2002. Active Networks Workshop. "Meta-Policies for Network Programming".
1999. Automated Network Management. In Network and Distributed Systems Group (University of Waterloo),
Waterloo, 1999.
1999. Programmable Management of Large Scale Networks. In Computer Science and Telecommunications
Research Institute (DePaul University), Chicago, 1999.
1999. Networking Workshop organized as part of the annual conference held by the IBM Centre for Advanced
Studies (CASCON'99). "Network Management in the e-commerce era".
1998. Distributed Object-oriented Network Management. In Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (University of Western Ontario), London, 1998.
1998. Network Management Programmability. In Network Architecture Laboratory (University of Toronto),
Toronto, 1998.
1998. Trends in Integrated and Automated Management of Networks and Distributed Systems. In Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering (McGill University), Montreal, 1998.
1998. A System Approach to Load Balancing in Distributed Multimedia Environments. In School of
Information Technology Engineering (University of Ottawa), Ottawa, 1998.
1997. French-Brazilian Symposium on Architectures for Distributed Systems: Multimedia architectures for
telecommunications (SFBSID'97). "High Availability of Multimedia Services: Application in Video-on-Demand
1997. International Conference on Networks and Services Management (GRES'97). "QoS Management in
Video-on-Demand Environments".
1997. ACM/IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks (MWCN'97).
"Towards Intelligent Management of Mobile Cellular Networks."
1997. IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'97). "Intelligent Management System for
Fault Diagnosis in Cellular Telecommunication Networks".
1997. Network and Distributed Systems Management: State of the Art, Status of Standards and Open Issues.
In Networking Laboratory (ESIGETEL School of Engineering), Fontainebleau, 1997.
1997. Intelligent Management of Mobile Wireless Networks. In Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (Concordia University), Montreal, 1997.
1996. Towards Integrated and Automated Management of Network and Distributed Systems. In Department of
Computer Science (University of Montreal), Montreal, 1996.
1996. World's Information Technology Conference and Exhibits (COMDEX'97). "Distributed Systems and
Applications Management: Needs for Integration and Automation."
1995. Network Management versus Traffic Control in ATM Networks. In PRiSM Laboratory (University of
Versailles), Versailles, 1995.
Tutorials at Conferences
"Virtualization in Future Wireless Networks: Why is it Still Hard to Achieve?". At the IEEE Global
Communications Conference (Globecom), 8–12 December 2024, Cape Town, South Africa (with Soumaya Hamouda and
Rami Langar).
"Research Directions in Cloud Computing". At the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Telecommunications
(IST). Tehran, Iran, September 9-11, 2014.
"Peer-to-Peer Networking: State of the art and research challenges". At 29th Brazilian Symposium on
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC), Campo Grande (Brazil), May 30 - June 3, 2011.
"Peer-to-Peer Networking: State of the art, research challenges and P2P Networking for Consumer
Electronics". At the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,
January 9-12, 2011.
"Peer-to-Peer Networking: State of the Art and Research Challenges". At the IEEE Int. Conference on
Consumer Communications & Networks (CCNC). Las Vegas (USA), Jan. 10, 2009.
"Peer-to-Peer Networking: State of the Art and Research Challenges". At the IEEE Global Information
Infrastructure Symposium (GIIS). Hammamet (Tunisia), June 26, 2009.
Peer-to-Peer Networking: State of the Art and Research Challenges. At the 7th International Conference on
Computer Communications (ICC), Beijing (China), May 23, 2008.
Peer-to-Peer Networking: State of the Art and Research Challenges. At the 10th IEEE/IFIP Network
Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Salvador (Brazil), April 11, 2008.
Peer-to-Peer Networking: State of the Art and Research Challenges. At 7th Int. Conference on New
Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE), Marrakech (Morocco), June 5, 2007.
Peer-to-Peer Networking: State of the Art and Research Challenges. At the 10th IFIP/IEEE Integrated
Network Management Symposium (IM), Munich (Germany), May 17, 2007.
Peer-to-Peer Networking: State of the Art and Research Challenges. At the 1st International Conference on
New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Paris (France), May 2, 2007.
Peer-to-Peer Networking. At the IFIP Networking Conference (Networking'06), Coimbra (Portugal), May 15,
Peer-to-Peer Networking. At the IFIP Conference on Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and
Mobility (NetCon'05), Lannion (France), November 14, 2005.
Peer-to-Peer Networking. At the International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications
(MATA'05), sponsored by IEEE and IFIP. Montreal (Canada), October 17, 2005.
Peer-to-Peer Networks: Concept, Applications and Management. At the IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated
Network Management (IM 2005), Nice (France), May 2005.
Internet Multimedia Applications: Challenges and Design. At the IFIP Conference on Network Control and
Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility (NETCON'04), Palma de Mallorca (Spain), November 1, 2004.
QoS Management in Internet Networks, in IFIP/ACM SIGCOM LANC 2003.
QoS in Wireless Ad hoc Networks, in IFIP/IEEE Med-Hoc-Net, 2003.
QoS in Wireless Ad hoc Networks, in 2nd IFIP Mediterranean Workshop on Ad hoc Networks (Med-Hoc-Net'03),
June 25-27, Mahdia (Tunisia), 2003.
QoS Control in the Internet, in 6th Asia - Pacific Networks Operation and Management Symposium
(APNOMS'02), September 25-27, Jeju (Korea), 2002.
Network Management: Basics, Standards and Evolution towards Intelligent Cost-effective Architectures, in
IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference (LANC), Santa Fe (Argentina), September 9-11, 2002
MPLS-Based VPNs: Design, QoS and Management, in IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
(NOMS'02), Florence (Italy), April 15-19, 2002.
Quality-of-Service in Virtual Private Networks. In 4th International IFIP/IEEE Conference on Management
of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS'01), 2001.
Virtual Private Networks: Design, Architectures, Planning and Management. In IFIP/IEEE International
Conference on Integrated Network Management (IM'01), 2001.
Middleware: Concept and Future Directions. In 14th Congress on New Architectures for Communications
(DNAC'97), 1997.
Network Management: How to face emerging high-speed Network Technologies (with N. Agoulmine). In 13th
Congress on New Architectures for Communications (DNAC'96), 1996.
Conference Panels
Panel on "AI/ML: The Disruptive Force Reshaping Engineering Disciplines" at the 2024 CAE Conference &
Induction Ceremony of New Fellows, London, Ontario, May 28, 2024.
Experts panel on "Intelligent Network Slicing and Orchestration” at the Rogers 5G Partnership Summit.
Brampton, Ontario, Canada, June 22, 2023.
Panel on "Artificial Intelligence for Network Operation and Management: Can it meet the requirements of
tomorrow's networks". IFIP/IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2023, Miami, FL, USA, May
11, 2023.
Panel on "Blockchain for Future Networks”. Blockchain Technology Symposium (BTS) 2022. University of
Calgary. Calgary (Canada), June 9, 2022.
Academic Leader Panel. Canadian Academy of Engineering
International Workshop on Sustainable, Intelligent Next Generation
Systems. Ottawa (Canada). March 15, 2022.
Distinguished Expert Panel on "Management in the Age of Softwarization, Artificial Intelligence, and
Cybersecurity". IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Budapest (Hungary), April 23,
Panel on "High-Precision Networking Services and Service Function Chaining: Frontier or Solution?".
International Workshop on High-Precision Networks Operations and Control, Segment Routing and Service
Function Chaining (HiPNet+SR/SFC 2019), Halifax (Canada), October 25, 2019.
Panel on "Future Network Frontiers". Future Network Frontiers Research Workshop, Montreal (Canada), July
18, 2019.
Distinguished Expert Panel on "Towards a Denationalization of Money". IEEE International Conference on
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), Seoul (South Korea), May 17, 2019.
Distinguished Expert Panel on "Intelligent Management for the Future Wave of Enterprises". IFIP/IEEE
IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), Washington DC (USA), April 11,
"Mixing IoT technologies for better performance". 3rd International Conference on Cloudification of the
Internet of Things (CIoT), IEEE/IFIP, Paris, France, July 4, 2018.
"Network Research in the Age of Internet Ossification". IEEE International Conference on Network
Protocols (ICNP), October 13, 2017.
“Hot Topics in Networking and their Testbed Requirements”. GENI Network Innovators Community Event
(NICE), Toronto (Canada), October 10, 2017. 2017.
"Success factors for 5G networks, today and tomorrow”, 21st Conference on Innovations in Clouds, Internet
and Networks (ICIN), IEEE/ACM/IFIP, Paris (France), February 22, 2017.
“Transition to Software-Based Infrastructure”. SAVI Annual General Meeting, July 7, 2016.
“Fully agile carrier-grade telco NFV - Science fiction or tomorrow’s reality?”. IEEE/IFIP Network
Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Istanbul (Turkey), April 28, 2016.
Distinguished Expert Panel on "Smart Management in a Virtualized World". IEEE/IFIP/ACM International
Conference and Network and Service Management (CNSM), Barcelona (Spain), November 12, 2015.
"SDN and NFV for Telco and Data Centre Operators – How can They be Incorporated into the Business
Model?". At the 6th IEEE Global Information Infrastructure Symposium (GIIS). Montreal, Canada, September
14-18, 2014.
"Bridging Network Management and Software-Defined Networking”. IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on
Network Operations and Management (NOMS), Krakow, Poland, May 8th 2014.
“The Future of Mobile and Cloud Computing”. 2nd Computer Engineering Frontiers Symposium and Exhibition
on Mobile and Cloud Computing (CEFS), Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 10th March 2014.
"Cloud Computing: What Research". International Cloud Computing School (ICCS), IEEE, Hammamet (Tunisia),
December 15-19, 2013.
Distinguished Expert Panel on "Smart Management in a Virtualized World". IFIP/IEEE International
Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), Ghent (Belgium), May 30, 2013.
"Race again the machine: Automating the human manager". IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated
Network Management (IM), Ghent (Belgium), May 30, 2013.
"Information Centric Networking: Impact on Design and Management". IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and
Management Symposium (NOMS), Maui (Hawaii), April 18, 2012.
"Next Generation Services Overlay Networks". At the IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated
Network Management. Dublin (Ireland), April 26, 2011.
"Smart Grid Management Research: Challenges and Opportunities". At the 1st IEEE/IFIP International
Workshop on the Management of the Smart Grid. Osaka (Japan), April 23, 2010. Also served as Panel Moderator.
"What Did We Learn From Autonomic Communications Research". At the IEEE/IFIP Autonomic Communications and
Network Management (ACNM), co-located with the IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network
Management (IM). Long Island (USA), June 5, 2009. Also served as Panel Moderator.
"Cloud Computing and Management". At the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Network Management
(MANWEEK). Venice (Italy), October 26-30, 2009.
On the Management of Ubiquitous Multimedia Communication. In IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC), Beijing (China), May 21, 2008.
Self Management: Separating facts from fiction. In IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
(NOMS), Vancouver (Canada), April 2006.
Future of Wireless Networks (4G, Ad-Hoc, Sensor Networks: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead). In IEEE
International Symposium on Computer and Communications (ISCC'03), 2003.
Emergence of SLA as Information Technology Business Workhorse. In IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC'03), 2003.
Challenges in Managing Multimedia Wireless Networks. In IFIP/IEEE International Conference on the
Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS'01), 2001.
Quality-of-Service in the Internet: Reality or Hype? In IFIP/IEEE International Conference on the
Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS'00), 2000.
Quality-of-Service in IP Networks. In International Conference on Networks and Services Management
(GRES'99), 1999.
Design of Enterprise Networks with Open TCP/IP Technologies. In IEEE International Conference on
Enterprise Networks and Applications (EntNet'97), 1997.