Winter 2024: CS798-001: Network Softwarization: Principles and Foundations
This course introduces the concepts and principles of network softwarization and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2024.
Winter 2024: CS798-002: Network Softwarization: Technologies and Enablers
This course focuses on hands on experience with network softwarization technologies and enablers and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2024.
Winter 2023: CS798-001: Network Softwarization: Principles and Foundations
This course introduces the concepts and principles of network softwarization and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2023.
Winter 2023: CS798-002: Network Softwarization: Technologies and Enablers
This course focuses on hands on experience with network softwarization technologies and enablers and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2023.
Winter 2022: CS798-001: Network Softwarization: Principles and Foundations
This course introduces the concepts and principles of network softwarization and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2022.
Winter 2022: CS798-002: Network Softwarization: Technologies and Enablers
This course focuses on hands on experience with network softwarization technologies and enablers and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2022.
Winter 2021: CS798-001: Advanced Network Architectures
This course introduces the concepts and principles of network softwarization and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2021.
Winter 2021: CS798-002: Network Softwarization
This course focuses on hands on experience with network softwarization technologies and enablers and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2021.
Winter 2020: CS798-001: Advanced Network Architectures
This course introduces the concepts and principles of network softwarization and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2020.
Winter 2020: CS798-002: Network Softwarization
This course focuses on hands on experience with network softwarization technologies and enablers and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2020.
Winter 2019: CS798-001: Network Softwarization: Principles and Foundations
This course introduces the concepts and principles of network softwarization and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2019.
Winter 2019: CS798-002: Network Softwarization: Technologies and Enablers
This course focuses on hands on experience with network softwarization technologies and enablers and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2019.
Winter 2018: CS798-001: Network Softwarization: Principles and Foundations
This course introduces the concepts and principles of network softwarization and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2018.
Winter 2018: CS798-002: Network Softwarization: Technologies and Enablers
This course focuses on hands on experience with network softwarization technologies and enablers and is one of two companion courses on network softwarization offered simultaneously in Winter 2018.
Winter 2017: CS856: Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing: Software Defined Cloud/Network
This course explores Software Defined Networks and Clouds through lectures, reviews and discussions of a number of classic and recent papers, hands on tutorials on popular open source projects, and a final project.
Fall 2015: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Fall 2015: CS856: Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing: Software Defined Cloud/Network
This course explores Software Defined Networks and Clouds through lectures, reviews and discussions of a number of classic and recent papers, hands on tutorials on popular open source projects, and a final project.
Winter 2015: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Fall 2014: CS856: Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing: Software Defined Cloud/Network
This course explores Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI) through a number of classic and recent papers, and a final project. The goal is to acquire an in-depth understanding of the research issues in these areas.
Fall 2013: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Winter 2013: CS854: Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems: Cloud Computing & Management
This course provides an in-depth understanding of cloud computing concepts and technologies including data center network design, resource and performance management, energy management, security, and software defined networking.
Fall 2012: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Winter 2012: CS854: Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems: Cloud Computing & Management
This course provides an in-depth understanding of the issues in defining, designing, and incorporating network virtualization in the next-generation networks.
Spring 2011: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Winter 2011: CS854: Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems: Cloud Computing and Management
This course provides an in-depth understanding of the issues in defining, designing, and incorporating network virtualization in the next-generation networks.
Winter 2011: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Fall 2010: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Winter 2009: CS854: Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems: Virtualization
This course provides an in-depth understanding of the issues in defining, designing, and incorporating network virtualization in the next-generation networks.
Winter 2009: CS436: Distributed Computer Systems
This course provides an introduction to computer networks and computer systems interconnected by networks. The approach will be top-down, that is applications will be examined with a view to determining their need for reliable and secure communication.
Fall 2008: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Winter 2008: CS856: Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing: Peer-to-Peer Networking
This course objective is an in-depth understanding of the issues in designing and deploying large-scale P2P systems.
Fall 2007: CS454/654: Distributed Systems
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of distributed computer systems. The structure of distributed systems using multiple levels of software is emphasized.
Fall 2007: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Fall 2007: CS454/654: Distributed Systems
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of distributed computer systems. The structure of distributed systems using multiple levels of software is emphasized.
Winter 2005: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Fall 2004: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Fall 2004: CS856: Advanced Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems
This course objective is an in-depth understanding of the issues in designing and deploying large-scale P2P systems.
Winter 2003: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Winter 2003: CS856: Network Management
This course will give an appreciation of the issues and state of the art in Network Management.
Winter 2002: CS456/656: Computer Networks
This course provides an overview of computer networks featuring the Internet, covering aspects ranging from transmitting frames on a communication link and routing packets in a network to the design of network applications.
Spring 2001: CS454/654: Distributed Systems
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of distributed computer systems. The structure of distributed systems using multiple levels of software is emphasized.
Spring 2001: CS756M: Multimedia Wired/Wireless Internet
This course will give an appreciation of the issues and state of the art in Multimedia Wired and Wireless Networks. A special attention will be given to Internet-based networks.
Fall 2007: CS454/654: Distributed Systems
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of distributed computer systems. The structure of distributed systems using multiple levels of software is emphasized.
Fall 2000: CS454/654: Networks & Distributed Systems
This course provides an overview of computer networks and distributed systems, covering aspects ranging from Internetworking to the design of distributed application software.
Spring 2000: CS454/654: Networks & Distributed Systems
This course provides an overview of computer networks and distributed systems, covering aspects ranging from Internetworking to the design of distributed application software.
Spring 1999: ECE361S: Computer Networks
Network architecture and topology. Ring, bus, tree and star networks. The ISO reference model; other models. The physical and data link layers. The network layer for point-to-point networks; satellite, packet radio and local area networks. The transport, session, presentation and application layers. Network interconnection; network standards (IEEE, ISO, ISDN, Arpanet, SNA, Map, etc.).
Spring 1999: ECE242S: Algorithms and Data Structures (Coordinator)
Analysis of algorithms and complexity notation. Recursion and recurrence relations. Techniques for algorithm design. Program development; top-down analysis, modular design. Elementary data structures. Dynamic data structures. Abstract data types. Stacks, queues, linked lists, trees. Searching and sorting. Case studies. Students write a number of assigned programs using a modern programming language.
Summer 1998: Nortel Institute Professional Summer School
Telecommunication networks management. Network management standards (SNMP, CMIP, TMN). Activities of Fora and Consortia (OSI/NM-Forum, TINA-C, OMG, etc.). Telecommunication Network Management (TMN) integration with SNMP. CORBA distributed support for TMN. TMN integration in TINA for network and service management. Internet technologies in network management (WEB-based, Java implementations). Agent technlogies for network management (autonomous, delegated, intelligent, mobile agents, etc.). Directory enabled networking and policy-based management.
Fall 1998: Master of Engineering in Telecommunications (MET)
Telecommunication networks management. Network management standards (SNMP, CMIP, TMN). Activities of Fora and Consortia (OSI/NM-Forum, TINA-C, OMG, etc.). Telecommunication Network Management (TMN) integration with SNMP. CORBA distributed support for TMN. TMN integration in TINA for network and service management. Internet technologies in network management (WEB-based, Java implementations). Agent technlogies for network management (autonomous, delegated, intelligent, mobile agents, etc.). Directory enabled networking and policy-based management.
Fall 1998: CSC326F: Programming Languages (Coordinator)
Study of programming styles and paradigms. Included are imperative, object-oriented, functional, and logic-based approaches. Languages that support these programming styles will be introduced. Languages treated in this course include C, C++, Scheme and Prolog.
Paris, France